Thursday, January 5, 2012

8 months post relaxer....retaining moisture

So this is my 8th month of transitioning and it seems to be the toughest month so far. It has been taking me a little more time to detangled and styling my hair. I have been having some growth. I haven't measured my hair recently but it is noticeable. I believe my growth has slowed from the beginning of my transition which is why I have decided to do more protective styles and moisturizing my hair daily. I was trying to not wet it as much as I was in the summer. The styles that I have been doing lately is mainly flexi rod sets and semi-mini twist. Both styles can be very time consuming but each last me for at least a week. Another thing I have started to help with moisture and growth is bagging. This consist of me putting my deep conditioner in my hair with some oils (usually pure olive. I put all my hair in a plastic shower cap and sleep with this overnight. I will be posting pictures of my most recent hairstyles including the steps I take and products I use in a later post.

Until later,

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